A Special Message from Jimmy...
"To discover the most flavorful olive oils of your life, and receive your $39-Bottle-for-a-Buck, please click on the blue link below.
“But first, let me tell you why your support for this wonderful sponsor means so much to me..."
Dear Member of My Podcast Family,
Just a heartfelt thank you for supporting my new sponsor, the Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil Club. It means a lot to me. Here’s why...
The low-carb way of eating I advocate has quite literally saved my life. Growing up, I was always the fat kid in class, picked on, bullied, and made fun of mercilessly. Naturally, this caused me only to want to eat more to deal with the hurt and humiliation. Into my adult years, I tried and failed to lose weight so many times, I eventually concluded that if dieting meant constant hunger and endless frustration, I’d rather be fat. It’s hard to believe now, but at one point, I weighed 410 pounds.
My dietary changes have helped me lose more than 180 pounds, and I’m still losing. Best of all, every aspect of my health has markedly improved.
Because of what low-carb living has done for me, I’ve made it my life’s mission to spread the good word about it and help as many people as I can. And when you support my sponsors, that makes my mission possible, and I’m most grateful for that.
I also want you to know that I’d never recommend any product that I haven’t screened carefully and totally endorse. In this case, my enthusiastic support was a slam-dunk! The moment I tasted the harvest-fresh olive oils imported by T. J. Robinson (The Olive Oil Hunter), I was over the moon about them. I’d never tasted any olive oil so fresh and delicious. I use these oils to add whole new layers of flavor to my family’s omelets, in a pesto sauce with zucchini noodles, drizzled on cheese slices, over sizzling grilled meats, on roasted vegetables, you name it.
You’ll see how delicious all these and countless other dishes can be when you pair them with the world’s freshest and most flavorful artisanal olive oils. Thank you for giving T. J.’s Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil Club a try. Unlike some other clubs, there’s never a commitment to buy anything, and you can cancel your membership at any time. And T. J. makes it so easy to try his Club with his generous $39-Bottle-for-a-Buck offer. To get your $39 bottle for just $1 and read the full story behind these astonishingly flavorful harvest-fresh oils, just click here...
Visit Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil ClubThanks again for your support,